
2024年2月28日—8BestFreeFileSearchTools·Everything·WiseJetSearch·DuplicateFileFinder·QuickSearch·SearchMyFiles·FileSeek·UltraSearch·LANSearch ...,DocFetcherisanOpenSourcedesktopsearchapplication:Itallowsyoutosearchthecontentsoffilesonyourcomputer.—YoucanthinkofitasGooglefor ...,FileCloudisafulltextsearchsoftwarethatenablesuserstosearchthroughcontentinsidethefiles/searchdocumentsfortext.Userscan...

8 Best Free File Search Tools

2024年2月28日 — 8 Best Free File Search Tools · Everything · Wise JetSearch · Duplicate File Finder · Quick Search · SearchMyFiles · FileSeek · UltraSearch · LAN Search ...


DocFetcher is an Open Source desktop search application: It allows you to search the contents of files on your computer. — You can think of it as Google for ...

Full Text Search Software

FileCloud is a full text search software that enables users to search through content inside the files/search documents for text. Users can use all content ...

How To Search For Text Inside Files

2023年5月16日 — OCR software converts scanned images into searchable text, enabling you to search for specific text inside files. Tools like Adobe Acrobat, ...

I am looking for a software for searching a text in a set of files

2021年9月6日 — One very good tool would be the Atom editor (, though it is for text files only. You are able to specify a project in it and ...

Search and find text in files with UltraFinder

Search and find text in files with UltraFinder ... UltraFinder is the ultimate text search program! No matter where your files are – on a local drive, an attached ...

Search Text In Files for PC

Vovsoft Search Text In Files is an easy-to-use file search application for your desktop or laptop computer. Search through plain-text files and PDF files ...


SeekFast is a software tool, allowing you to quickly and easily search text in files on your computer. It supports all common document file types:.

Tools to search for strings inside files without indexing

2008年11月25日 — So, what's the best free, non-indexed text search tool out there? ... Tool to recursively search all files in a directory for a string · 5.


TextSeek is a tool to find files and document contents in Windows and MacOS instantly and accurately. It supports PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OpenOffice, ...

UltraSearch 4.6.3 快速尋找檔案的好幫手

UltraSearch 4.6.3 快速尋找檔案的好幫手
